[Approved under Clause 20(A) of the Narrabeen Youth Club Inc. Constitution]
Name The name of this club shall be the Narrabeen Youth Club Netball (herein referred to as “NYC NETBALL”).
Objects a/ The objects of NYC NETBALL shall be to foster and develop the game of Netball. Particularly in the Narrabeen, North Narrabeen, Elanora Heights and Warriewood areas. b/ NYC NETBALL may affiliate, from time to time, with the Manly Warringah Netball Association or other such organization (herein referred to as the “Affiliated Association”), as may be required in the interests of Netball.
Interpretation a/ For the purpose of these rules “year”, unless the context otherwise indicates, shall mean the period from 1 January to 31 December, both dates inclusive, in any year. b/ For the purpose of these rules “The Club” shall mean the Narrabeen Youth Club, of which NYC NETBALL is a Sectional activity. c/ The financial year of NYC NETBALL shall be the 12-month period ending on 30th June each year.
Colours and Emblem a/ NYC NETBALL colours shall be black, white and blue. b/The design shall be decided by the Committee and approved by The Club and the Affiliated Association. c/ The emblem of NYC NETBALL shall be The Narrabeen Youth club logo and the NYC logo for social media and apparel.
Membership a/ Membership is open to all individuals who accept the objects and rules of NYC NETBALL and engages in any of NYC NETBALL sporting activities by way of playing Netball, coaching, managing or holding any Committee positions. b/ Members shall be classified as follows: - * 6 to 7 Years NETSETGO Skill Program * 8 and 9 years NETSETGO Modified Rules/Non-competitive games * 10 to 17 years JUNIOR, full competition * 18 years and over SENIOR, full competition c/ Non-playing members which include NYC Netball committee, coaches, managers, umpires and Life Members who are active and not playing. d/ Persons wishing to become members of NYC Netball shall apply to the Committee for membership. e/ The Committee shall determine whether or not to accept an application for membership. The Committee is not required to supply reasons for accepting or rejecting an application for membership. f/ Members shall pay such fees as are determined by the Committee. g/ Membership fees shall be due and payable on registration day being a day determined by the Committee. Registrations are completed through the “My Netball” Online System. All members must agree with the NYC Netball Declaration before completing the process. h/ A register of members shall be kept by the Registrar showing the name, address email address and contact number for each member. i/ All junior players must attend Grading sessions. NYC Netball’s players are graded each season and graded into teams with players of similar ability and skill. All junior players must be registered PRIOR to Grading. j/ Once a player has been registered and Graded in a NYC Netball Team that has been sent to MWNA, they cannot be released to play with any other club for the current year. NO refunds will be given should a player “change their mind “and decide not to play with NYC Netball from 2 days prior to grading.
NYC Netball Awards Each year consideration will be given to the making of awards for eligible members as follows:
Senior Club Person
Junior Club Girl
Most Improved Junior Team
Ronda Alternator Senior Umpire Award
The JD trophies Junior Encouragement Umpire Award
Ted Blackwood Award – Awarded to a member of NYC NETBALL for their outstanding club contribution to NYC Netball. (This award is in honour of Ted Blackwood who founded NYC in 1965). i Nominations for these awards are discussed and voted on by the NYC Netball Executive committee. ii Team coaches nominate Two (2) individual awards at the conclusion of their season
Coaches award
MWNA Good Sports Award
7. Member's Liability The members of NYC Netball shall have no liability to contribute towards the payment of debts and liabilities of NYC Netball, or the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of NYC Netball except to the extent of any unpaid membership fees.
8. Disciplining of Members a/ Where the Committee is of the opinion that a member of NYC Netball: - i. has persistently refused or neglected to comply with the provision or provisions of these rules; ii. has persistently or wilfully acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of NYC Netball; It may, by resolution, expel the member from NYC netball or suspend the member from membership for a specified period or remove playing rights or impose other sanctions as it sees fit. b/ Such resolution will take effect immediately upon service of the notice to the member. c/ Where the Committee passes a resolution under clause a), the Secretary shall, as soon as practicable, cause a notice to be served on the member, such notice to: - i. set out the resolution and the grounds on which it was based; ii. inform the member that they may address the Committee at a meeting to be held not earlier than 7 days and not later than 28 days after the service of the notice; iii. state the date, time and place of that meeting; iv. Inform the member that they may at any time prior to the meeting; submit written representations relating to the resolution. v. The Committee shall: - give the member an opportunity to make oral submissions to the meeting; - give due consideration to any written representation submitted by the member prior or at the meeting; - By resolution determine whether to confirm or to revoke the resolution passed under clause a) vi. Where the Committee confirms a resolution passed under clause a), the Secretary shall, within 7 days after that confirmation, by notice in writing inform the member of the fact, and of the member's right of appeal to the next Sectional Committee Meeting of NYC Netball. vi. NYC Netball will not tolerate any negative social media, bullying, harassment, threats, inappropriate verbal comments made directly to a NYC Netball member or about the club.
9. Management by Committee a/ NYC Netball shall have its affairs managed and controlled by the office bearers known as the Committee. b/ The Officer Bearers of NYC Netball shall comprise: - The President - The Vice President - The Secretary - The Treasurer - The Registrar - Umpires Convenor - Grading Convenor - Coaching Convenor
5 of the above 8 committee positions will make up NYC Netball Executive committee. Additional NYC Netball Committee members will be: - Uniform Convenor - Gear Convenor - Fund Raising Convenor
c/ The office bearers shall be elected, in person, by a Vote to be held at the NYC Netball Annual General Meeting held in September of each year. d/ Any member of NYC Netball may nominate for the Committee. Where a person who is not a member of NYC Netball and wishes to nominate for a Committee position, the nomination must be supported by a seconder in favour of the nomination. If the instance where only one nomination is received for a position on the Committee, that person will be deemed to have been elected to the position and no ballot will be held for that position. e/ In the event of a vacancy arising in the Committee or a role is not filled at the Sectional Annual General Meeting, the Committee may appoint a member of NYC Netball to fill the vacancy. f/ The Committee shall meet as often as is necessary to conduct the business of NYC Netball. g/ In accordance with the General By-Laws of The Club, a quorum for Section Committee Meetings shall be 7 members. The quorum for a Sectional Annual General Meeting shall be 13 members. h/ The Committee may function validly provided that its number is not reduced below the quorum. Should Committee numbers fall below the quorum the remaining Committee members may only act to appoint new Committee. i/ Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by the majority of votes of those present. In case of an equality of votes the person appointed to chair the meeting shall have a second or casting vote j/ If within half an hour of the time appointed for a Committee meeting a quorum is not present the meeting shall be dissolved. k/ In the case of emergencies between meetings of the Committee, the affairs of NYC Netball shall be controlled and decided by an Executive Committee when they arise. l/ A person holding more than one Committee position counts only once in the formation of a quorum for the Committee or Executive and only once on the vote for each motion.
10. Duties of Office Bearers a/ The President shall act as chairperson of each general meeting and Committee meeting of NYC Netball and shall conduct such meetings in accordance with these rules. They shall also be an ex-officio member of all sub-Committees. b/ The Vice President shall be the chairperson at any meeting from which the President is absent or at which the President refrains from occupying the chair. c/ If the President or Vice President are absent from a meeting or unwilling to act, the members present at the meeting shall elect one of their number to act as chairperson. d/ The Secretary shall – i. Attend to the general business of NYC Netball. Narrabeen Youth Club Netball Sectional By-Laws Page 7 of ii. Attend to the correspondence. iii. Ensure that minutes of all meetings are circulated to Committee members within 14 days of the meeting taking place. iv. Ensure that the business transacted at each meeting is recorded. v. Record any action taken in an emergency. vi. Keep a record of attendance at all meetings
11. General Meetings a/ An Annual General Meeting of NYC Netball shall be held each year in September. b/ At least 14 days’ notice of all general meetings and notices of motion shall be given to members. In the case of general meetings where a special resolution is to be proposed, notice of the resolution shall be given to members at least 21 days before the meeting. c/ In the case of the Annual General Meeting, the following business shall be transacted: d/ confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any recent special general meeting; i. receipt of the President’s report upon the activities of NYC Netball during the last financial year; ii. The Secretary’s report on NYC Netball Season; iii. Receipt and consideration of a statement from the Committee which is not misleading, and which gives a true and fair view for the last financial year of NYC’s income and expenditure. iv. Voting at a general meeting shall be by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote, except for those matters which must be decided by special resolution where a three-quarter majority is required. e/ All votes shall be given personally and there shall be no voting by proxy. f/ In the case of an equality of votes the person appointed to chair the general meeting shall have a second or casting vote. g/ Written notice of all general meetings shall be given to members. h/ If an incoming Committee member withdraws before the AGM, nominations may be taken for the position at the AGM and a ballot held if there is more than one nomination.
12. Special Resolutions a/ A special resolution must be passed by a general meeting of NYC netball to effect any of the following changes: - i. a change in NYC Netball’s name; ii. a change in NYC Netball’s rules; iii. a change in NYC Netball’s objects; iv. an amalgamation with another incorporated association; v. to voluntarily wind-up NYC Netball and distribute its property; vi. to apply for registration as a company or a co-operative; b/ A special resolution shall be passed in the following manner: - i. a notice must be sent to all members advising that a general meeting is to be held to consider a special resolution; ii. the notice must give details of the proposed special resolution and give at least 21 days’ notice of the meeting; iii. a quorum must be present at the meeting; iv. at least two thirds of those present must vote in favour of the resolution for it to be passed; v. In situations where it is not possible or practical for a resolution to be passed as described above, a request may be made to the Office of Fair Trading to pass the resolution in some other way.
13. Competition a/ NYC Netball encourages fair play and good sportsmanship by following the Netball NSW Code of Conduct and The Competition Rules of MWNA By - Laws and Constitution. b/ Any game disputes with an opposing team must be brought to the attention of a NYC Netball Official during the game, so the matter can be addressed immediately. Record of Amendment YearAmendment 2015 Established 2018 Amended Gail McDonough