Modified Rules for NSG Saturday Competition : 7, 8 & 9 year olds
Match duration: 4 x 10 minute quarters
Goal post: 2.4m – 3.05m
Ball: Size 4
Time to pass ball: Up to 5 seconds
Footwork: Shuffling on the spot (to regain balance) allowed, without moving down the court
- Strict one-on-one defence - Players may defend a shot at goal
Centre pass: Alternate centre pass
- Game time evenly distributed amongst all players - Unlimited substitutions – but no tagging. - Players should try all positions during the program/season
Coaching: Coach may move along the sideline (but may not interfere with the umpire) to give players immediate feedback. If the game is one-sided, coaches must make sure all players have a good experience by:
- giving centre pass to the non-scoring team - rotating players into different positions - resting skilled players
Awards and scoring
- No scores - No finals - No best and fairest awards
Scoring: If the netball goes through either ring (or both!) it is counted as a goal however no scores are kept.